How to Stop Condensation on Windows You may have noticed condensation on the inside or outside of your windows. While you don’t need to worry about...
My Door Won’t Close or Lock If you’re having trouble opening, closing or locking your door, there could be a few possible causes for this. There...
How to Stop Mould on Windows Mould is a problem when it grows in your home, especially on your windows. What causes it and how can...
Do my Windows Need Resealing? Resealing double-glazed windows can be helpful if you notice: Several factors can damage a window seal. Even something as simple...
How to Stop Draughty Windows A well-sealed window keeps heat inside your home. But if there’s a draught, the warmth escapes. With heat escaping, money...
How to reduce condensation by room Condensation in your home occurs through normal activities, like washing, cooking and bathing. There’s many ways to control the water...
How to Stop Damp in your Conservatory Having mould or damp in your conservatory isn’t good. It can damage fabrics and harm your health. Mould occurs when...
There is a Gap Between my Window Pane and the Frame Your window may be defective if there is a gap between the window pane and the frame. They may have...
Does uPVC Swell in Heat Expanding and contracting uPVC is a natural occurrence. In extreme heat, you may have noticed your windows or doors becoming...
How to Fix a Broken Window Handle Your handle fixings may become loose after many years of use. You can tighten them following the instructions below. 1.Carefully...